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Stones of Meaning

Mind coaching will give you the tools to navigate through a world of options, insecurity, noise and pressure! 



Feeling that you are in a place where you are unsure off what direction you want to go in life can keep you stuck in the same place. For example, a career you do not enjoy or even a relationship that does not promote your happiness. All you know is that you are unhappy, and you don’t know what will make you happy. 


Being in this kind position can cause such things as:


  • Stress

  • Unhelpful feelings and thoughts

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression

  • Physical illness


There might be many reasons why you may feel stuck, with Mind Coaching we will help you figure out what is making you unhappy and what you can do about it. Together we will cultivate a direction for you to go in a way that works with your personality and your values.

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